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Property Tax Discount for Disabled Veterans

Oct. 14, 2021

What is the Disabled Veterans Exemption?

The Disabled Veterans Exemption is for veterans with a service-related disability that is certified by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs.

Who Is Eligible to Receive This Exemption?

  • An American flag with "Disabled Veteran" written underneath itIllinois residents who have

    • served as a member of the United States Armed Forces on active duty or State active duty

    • a member of the Illinois National Guard

    • or a member of the United States Reserve Forces and has been honorably discharged

  • Have at least a 30% service-related disability certified by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

  • Occupy the property as a primary residence in the tax year in question

  • Have a total equalized assessed value (EAV) of less than $250,000 for the primary residence, excluding the EAV of property used for commercial purposes or rented for more than six months. (The EAV is only the partial property value on which your taxes are computed and can be found on the second installment property tax bill under the Tax Calculator section of the bill.)

What Are the Exemption Amounts for The Disabled Veterans Exemption?

  • Veterans with a certified disability of 30-49% can qualify for a $2,500 EAV reduction.

  • Veterans with a certified disability of 50-69% can qualify for a $5,000 EAV reduction.

  • Veterans with a certified disability of 70% or above can qualify for a 100% tax exemption.

When Can I Apply?

A new state law has eased the requirements for when you can apply. Public Act 100-0869 says:

Veterans now may apply for the exemption at any time of the year and the tax benefits will be prorated, starting with the first complete month in which the veteran lives in the home. Under the previous law, veterans were not eligible unless they occupied the home on January 1st of the tax year in question. Under the previous law, if disabled veterans receiving the exemption moved in the middle of the year, then they could not receive the exemption on their new home until they reapplied the next year.

Where Do I Apply?

You can apply at:

Cook County Assessor’s Office

118 N Clark Street, Room 320

Chicago, IL 60602


Once you have received the Disabled Veterans Exemption, you must re-apply every year.